Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs

2024 - 2026 LFMC Officers

Margarita Harvey 

President - Margarita Harvey


          (Photo not available)                   Kim Harvey                      (Photo not available)                            LaDonna Alexander

       President Elect -Victor Klimash                 Treasurer - Kim Harvey                Recording Secretary -Ellen Bordelon            Immediate Past President -LaDonna Alexander

       victoraklimash@gmail.com          mikyevrah@gmail.com                   fhornlady@msn.com                    ladonna_alexande@bellsouth.net


LFMC Division Chairmen

Administration Division - Margarita Harvey,  harveymarg2@gmail.com

American Music Division - Gwen Redding, gwen@original.net

Arts Division -  Victor Klimash
, victoraklimash@gmail.com

Competitions and Awards Division -
Melanie Perez, melanieperezpiano@gmail.com

Finance Division - Kim Harvey, mikyevrah@gmail.com

Junior Division - Irene Vile, eyedine@cox.net
Festivals Records and Gold Cup - Kay Hawthorne, bkhaw@cox.net
Membership and Education Division - Kristin White,

Public Relations Division - Dr. Mary Anderson,

Student/Collegiate Division -

LFMC Standing Committee Chairmen

  Roster - Kim Harvey, mikyevrah@gmail.com

Club Rating and Evaluation - Debbie Federer, debbiefederer@msn.com

- Melanie Perez, melanieperezpiano@gmail.com

Festivals Database/Website Manager - Mark Vile, markvile@cox.net 

Investments - Kim Harvey, mikyevrah@gmail.com

  Liability Insurance - Ellen Bordelon, fhornlady@msn.com

National Music Week - Kay Dugruise, kdugruise@elearningk12.com

Past Presidents Assembly - Kim Harvey,  mikyevrah@gmail.com

Opera - Carla Fredericks, sweetlyrical@gmail.com

Outreach - Bettie Abbate, abbatebettie@yahoo.com
Sacred Music - LaDonna Alexander, ladonna_alexande@bellsouth.net
Yearbooks -