Visit the
National Federation of Music Clubs Website


Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs




All Festivals for 2023-2024 must be conducted using the VIVACE online system.  If your area has not yet completed the onboarding process, now is the time to get busy!  If you need help contact the state admin  for more information.


Southeastern Regional Meeting of the NFMC

The South Carolina Federation of Music Clubs is hosting the 2024 SER Meeting at Brevard Music Center in Brevard, North Carolina, on July 12-13, 2024. YOU are cordially invited to attend!  Please download the official Invitation and registration forms below to reserve your place.


Brevard Invitation

Brevard Registration

Hotel Accommodations


Bienvenue?    Louisiane!

"Come sit yourself down, cher, and pass some time with the Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs!"

Welcome to the Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs website!  And greetings to all who love music!




LFMC is proud to announce a brand new award, The Jeanne L. Veron Junior Voice Award!

$500 and $250 cash awards!  This is open to grades 7-12.  See the Junior Awards Page for all details.



The TENTH annual LFMC State Junior Convention is completed!


On Saturday, May 4th, 2024 the Tenth annual LFMC Junior Convention and Competition was held in the Performing Arts Center on the campus of the University of New Orleans. 


Approximately 80 students from around the state met to elect their Junior Officers for 2024 and to compete in over 120 events for First Place trophies, Honorable Mention medals and cash awards totaling more than $3,500.

Please visit the "State Junior Convention" page for details and the 2024 WINNERS' names!



Download the documents below for more information.


President's Letter

Convention Program

Official Call and Registration



Affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs, our state organization has shared the enjoyment of music for all ages for over 90 years. 

With the promotion of American music and musicians as our main goal, the LFMC offers a wide variety of musical opportunities for its members at all levels of organization

through performance opportunities, scholarships and grants, auditions and competitions, and club-sponsored community activities or programs.   

LFMC proudly provides thousands of dollars in awards annually.   


We hope that you will discover some of the many lifelong opportunities that await you through participation in the Federation of Music Clubs at the local, state, and national levels.


We invite music organizations, music teachers, music students and music lovers of Louisiana to share our goals and to join LFMC.

"Dis website, cher, gone tell you everyt'ing you done need to know 'bout LFMC".


President's Message

President's Theme:

"Spreading Beauty Through Music"

 President's Song:  "For the Beauty of the Earth"


Margarita Harvey, President, Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs

LFMC logo artist: Esther Socolofsky, LFMC President 1972-1974
Photo credit to the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism