Historical Sketch of
New Orleans had one club federated with the national organization by 1910. By 1919 Louisiana had 5 federated clubs and before state organization, 2 more were added for a total of 7 clubs.
- 1928 - LFMC organized on April 16th, in Baton Rouge, LA.
- Mrs. W. Carruth Jones was elected President.
First Decade: 1928 - 1938
2nd president (1932-36) Louise Hullum - Monroe
3rd president (1936-38) Mrs. R.E.Brumby - Franklin
Scholarships were established
- Extension was the main priority
- State Bulletin begun
- National Banner won by LA
- 1932 NFMC Fall Board Meeting held in New Orleans
- Jones elected to membership on NFMC Board
Second Decade: 1938 – 1948
4th president (1938-40) Louisa Hullum, Monroe
5th president (1940-44) Marie Lewis Beene, Shreveport
6th president (1944-48) Mrs. Malcom S. Dougherty - Jackson
- 83 new clubs added to the stat roster
- During the WWII years, LFMC placed over 3,000 instruments on ships, and thousands of sheet music copies and records in army camps.
- A new phase of “Music in Hospitals” begun. 100s Programs given in Hospitals and Red Cross Centers.
- Scholarships increased to 8 in 3 colleges
- State composition contest inaugurated
- “Rural Music” emphasized by federating rural choruses
Third Decade: 1948 -1960
7th president (1948-52) Mrs. John P. Kelley - Alexandria
8th president (1952-56) Ruby Simmons Vought – Baton Rouge
9th President (1956-60) Leslie D. Fain - Alexandria
- Louisiana received Scroll of Merit and Cash Award for extension at the National Biennial held in Dallas, TX Matinee choral group performed.
- Louisiana was cited for its history updated and published in a special folder. Also given Honorable Mention for outstanding programs in contemporary American Music at Salt Lake City Biennial.
- During 52-56 administration, LA increased participation in student and young artist programs. Established scholarship to Transylvania Music Camp. Saw a marked growth in Grass Roots Opera Projects and workshops.
- 1st Place in the Junior Photo Contest won by Napoleonville Mozart Music Club- entry used on Jr. Keynotes cover.
- 1st all string and all dance groups in LFMC
- 1st State Festival of Strings originated
- 1st monthly Newsletter sent out
- LA won 1st Place in attendance and Outstanding Achievement in “Crusade for Strings” at the Columbus, OH Biennial in 1957. Growth in Clubs: 26 Sr, 11 Assoc, 17 Student, and 96 Junior.
4th Decade: 1960 -1970
10th president (1960-62) William Gillock - New Orleans
11th president (1962-64) Mrs. W. U. Moss – Baton Rouge
12th president (1964-66) Mrs. Malcolm Downs - Pineville
13th president (1966-70) Edith Kilgore Kirkpatrick - Baton Rouge
- LA received an award for the most federated Junior Clubs and Festivals as well as the most Strings Festivals in the nation at the Kansas City Biennial.
- 13 students received declared winners in the NFMC Essay Contest.
- Only federated Music Club in the World located in a Leprosarium (in Carville).
- LA received top award for Publicity in the 1965 Miami Beach Biennial.
- LA had 2 National winners in the Student Auditions.
- Jr Extension won top award with 30 new clubs and became 1st in the Nation for Jr Festivals
- Young Artist presented in concert, Award of Merit for Crusade for Strings
- April 1967, at the New York Biennial, Baton Rouge Choral Sextette “The Musettes” sang “A Joyful Litany” by Gena Branscombe, composed especially for the national convention. The performance resulted in a WYNC broadcast on September 9, 1967.
- At the 1968 LFMC Convention in Shreveport, the entire cast of the New York City Opera performed.
- At the 1969 LFMC convention in New Orleans, Jane and James Bastien presented a workshop, and LA won 22 National Music Week Awards.
5th Decade: 1970 – 1982
14th president (1970-72) Carol March - Alexandria
15th president (1972-74) Esther Sokolofsky – Baton Rouge
16th president (1974-76) Ruth Seale - New Orleans
17th president (1976-78) Charlotte Davis Parrott - Alexandria
18th president (1978-82) Bob Buckner - Shreveport
- 1971 - New Orleans hosted the NFMC Biennial Convention in New Orleans. Honored guest, Mrs. Maurice Honigman and a special presentation of “Music Therapy and its Function to People”.
- Junior convention incorporated into the state Senior convention, making it a special Junior Day.
- Folk music was emphasized
- 1978 – LFMC 50th Anniversary celebrated in Baton Rouge
- Phoebe Dalton, cellist, of Baton Rouge was winner of the National Stillman Kelly Auditions.
6th Decade: 1982-1990
19th president (1982-86) Eloise Stanhope - Monroe
20th president (1986-90) James Hudson - Jennings
- Metairie District became the 8th LFMC District
- New scholarship established by Edith Kilgore Kirkpatrick
- Life membership increased and 2 new Sr Clubs organized.
- Stephen Rose of Natchitoches won Stillman Kelly Auditions, LA’s 2nd consecutive winner.
- New Awards added: Houssiere Ballet and Past Presidents State College Awards (PPSCA).
- Hubert Ho, pianist of Baton Rouge won 1990 Stillman Kelly Auditions, 3rd consecutive from LA.
7th Decade: 1990-2000
21st president (1990-1992) Kay Hawthorne - Baton Rouge
22nd president (1992-1994) Pam Gregoire - Donaldsonville
23rd president (1994-1998) Tommie Rowe - Haynesville
24th president (1998-2000) Melanie Perez - Metairie
- Began the Revision of LFMC By-Laws, Standing Rules, and Appendix
- All LFMC Scholarship information now included in the LFMC Bulletin.
- Represented LA in two NFMC Meetings (Huntsville and Chicago), and celebrated the
100th Anniversary of NFMC.
- LFMC Website created and Promotional LFMC Brochure distributed.
- “Noteworthy News” newsletter started.
- Junior Counselors Newsletter sent to all teachers twice a year.
- Festival Records were computerized.
- Inaugural year for the Past President’s Scholarship Awards
- 41 NFMC Awards of Merit were received.
- Secured Honored Guest NFMC 1st Vice President Ouida Keck and George Keck, and NFMC Junior Counselor Angie Greer at LFMC Conventions.
8th Decade: 2000-2012
25th president (2000-2004) Jeanne Veron - Donaldsonville
26th president (2004-2006) Dottie Smith - Prairieville
27th president (2006-2008) Ruth Smith - Monroe
28th president (2008-2012) Irene Vile - Metairie
- LFMC Records were computerized.
- LFMC Bylaws were revised
- Tax-Exempt status was achieved
- Inauguration of the Charlotte Davis Parrott Religious Education Award and the Virginia Houssiere Ballet Scholarship
- LFMC hosted 2001 Southeastern Region Brevard Weekend
- 75th LFMC Anniversary celebrated by a Gala Convention in Natchitoches with Past Presidents as honored guests.
- 2005 Hurricane Katrina devastated members of the New Orleans and Metairie Music Clubs.
- 8 LFMC Districts replaced by 5 LFMC Regions.
- LFMC Website begun containing forms and information for all awards and festival.
- Matthew Witherow won National Lucile Parrish Ward Award for Veterans.
9th Decade: 2012-2020
29th president (2012-2014) Joy Harvey - Mandeville
30th president (2014-2016) Ken Nelson - Baton Rouge
31st president (2016-2020) Gwen Redding - Baton Rouge
10th Decade: 2020-
32nd president (2020-2024) LaDonna Alexander - Thibodeaux
33rd president (2024 - ) Margarita Harvey - New Orleans
- Imani Francis, NFMC Martha Marcks Mack Sr. Vocal Award Recipient.
- Secured Honored Guest NFMC President Deborah Freeman for 2025 Convention.